AXIOMA was founded in 2009. At that time, the founders already had many years of experience in the industry, and they understood that they did not want to create similar websites to the ones they had already created. Over the past 8 years AXIOMA has developed interesting and complex projects in many different sectors: fintech, e-commerce, gaming and many others. Particular attention was paid to the construction and optimization of the company's internal processes.There were crises, ups and downs, but it was always both a search of the most effective business model and an experiment with the new market niches and business sectors.
In early 2017, these experiments led us into the crypto industry. This industry is particularly demanding to the level of developers, quality and coding. Thanks to our experience, we quickly adapted to the special requirements and focused on problem solving for this industry. It seems that now we are in the crypto industry and are here to stay.
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