Attract remote ready world-class talent, fast.
Discover why cutting-edge companies trust us to Make their project in Ukraine.
Making your project in Ukraine, the biggest business growth hack. Leverage world-class technical, creative and marketing talent, fluent in English.
Talent you can trust
Start with a test
Guaranteed interviews
Seen by 18000+ searchers every month
Dedicated hiring manager
The #1 community of technical and creative specialists looking for full-time or freelance/contract roles.
Out-staff Remote Talent
Pre-vetted talent
Only pay for work done
No hassle payment
Seen by 18000+ Senior contractors
Branded post to our job board
Branded post to our Telegram channel
No-friction onboarding
Hire Senior specialists
5 final-round candidate interviews within 2 weeks
No upfront-fees
30 day probation period
3-6 months free replacements
Dedicated Remote consultancy
Branded post to our job board
Branded mention in our newsletter
Branded post to our Telegram channel
Branded case study article to our audience
Contract & Payment advisory
No-friction onboarding
Build a remote-team
5 final-round candidate interviews within 2 weeks
Full compentancy based vetting
Full Talent sourcing management
Audit of your needs
Office space sourcing
Office setup and installation
Team member relocation help
Team kickoff week
Branded post to our job board
Branded mention in our newsletter
Branded post to our Telegram channel
Branded case study article to our audience
4 Remote Team consultations
Guidance on contracts and payments
Creation of contracts
Legal counsel on Team Management
It will be fun
We just launched independent Ukraine IT Salary Overview
We just launched
independent Ukraine
IT Salary Overview
Ukraine is home to the industry’s best software programmers, trusted teams, and vetted tech experts. You can hire a dedicated team to work on your next big project and take your business ideas to a whole new level.
For many reasons, from low-birth rates to hyper-risky Venture Capital in early stage companies and young founders, the West suffers from a massive and costly supply-side problem.
Enter Ukraine, a young, bustling knowledge-economy, leading the world in AI, Cryptography and other Sciences. Previously known for its industrial BPOs (Outsourcing), it's now winning Red Lion, Cannes and Red Dot awards in its edgy-design scene.
Cost Effective Hiring
And here’s the best part - they cost a fraction of what you’d pay in the West! Finally, you can hire Ukrainian developers, designers and marketers at affordable prices without having to compromise on quality or time.
Our unique position as a top remote job placement agency in Ukraine, has allowed us to network with these incredible remote agencies across the country. All our specialists and agencies undergo rigorous screening and evaluation before they are added to our talent pool. This means only the best remote agencies make the cut.
We are already working with Fortune 500 companies and innovative startups- want your project to be next? Book a call now.